You remember Dr. Drew Pinsky from MTV's Loveline among other shows right?
Looks like this fellow has been accused of some interesting dirty-dealings involving illegal surgery and implant tamering? WHAT?
I hate jumping the gun on these "Hollywood Doctors" but I keep coming back to the fact that these "Doctors" keep popping up in shady situations. Doctors have been blamed for overdose after overdose in Hollywood, yet they tend to just kind of disappear until the next Doctor is served.
His accuser has been labeled as a stalker for attempting to retrieve monies due him from Dr. Pinsky.
Charles Pearson filed small claims suit in L.A. County Superior Court on February 8.
In the suit, Pearson is suing Pinsky for $2,500 for a number of reasons including, "Performed Illegal Surgery, Medical Mal Practice ... Auction Tampering, Implant Tampering."
In the document, Pearson says he hasn't asked Dr. Drew for the money in person because Drew, "claims membership to KKK, used LAPD to intimidate/harass."
Click image to see larger:
More from Dr. Drew's Accuser:
Dr. Drew Pinksy's alleged stalker was arrested last year for stealing two books from a Barnes & Noble ... books written by Dr. Drew Pinksy.
According to court records, Charles Pearson was arrested at the bookstore in Encino, CA in February, 2009 after he told employees he was from the CIA and was there to confiscate two books.
Both the books were Dr. Drew's "Cracked: Life on the Edge in a Rehab Clinic."
Pearson wrote about it on his blog, admitting to "removing" the books which he claimed Dr. Drew wrote to "profiteer and boast his premeditated plan to abuse me."
Dr. Drew Pinksy's alleged stalker was arrested last year for stealing two books from a Barnes & Noble ... books written by Dr. Drew Pinksy.
According to court records, Charles Pearson was arrested at the bookstore in Encino, CA in February, 2009 after he told employees he was from the CIA and was there to confiscate two books.
Both the books were Dr. Drew's "Cracked: Life on the Edge in a Rehab Clinic."
Pearson wrote about it on his blog, admitting to "removing" the books which he claimed Dr. Drew wrote to "profiteer and boast his premeditated plan to abuse me."
Here is a link to Charles Pearson's blog. If it disappears, it will be in pdf form in my shared folder.
Excerpts from Charles Pearsons' blog:
.Mr. Pinsky became fixated and obsessed with work I performed on my website that included digital artwork. Infatuated with an idea that David Pinsky was a part of a larger picture, CBS enabled Mr. Pinsky as he evolved a events to take place to support his illegal and felonious activity. He became obsessed with the idea to create a shell or environment for his “Treatment” to be performed. This obsession came when the opportunities presented themselves to commit felonys and excuses the behavior because I drew some picture on my website and its David Pinskys middle name. David Pinsky thinks or believes that he belongs to a special class being a doctor and openly conducted abuse as the opurtunity presented itself. During this tneor of abuse it is discovered that David Pinsky has been participating in this behaviors and so called experiments as a segment of his own sickness of adulterating behavior including the sexual relations with an underage minor involving oral copulation.
David Pinsky and his colleagues access the implants repeatedly, the abuse is detailed below and in recordings broadcasted and supported by advertising sold by CBS radio entertainment. The access to the implants is the center subject for a background performance of the lovelineshow and the Kevin and Bean morning radio program. The abusive shocking treatments became entertainment for a list of guests that include mainly Hollywood celebrities. Because of the voyeurism of so the electro shock medical treatments, social experiments were designed around those same people to observe and record reactions to the abuse dispensed by accessing the implant. Charles threatened the life of Dr. Drew and his family multiple times, included a particular gruesome threat to kill Dr. Drew’s children and feed them to his wife.
Read more about Charles Pearson here.
David Pinsky takes phone calls, random or arranged and accesses the implant for specific reactions to be witnessed and recorded. Humor and comedy is found mainly in the shadowing of the abuse and access to my implant. In the following summary, the shock treatment or therapy referred below is without any doubt deemed abusive and is a constant assault and battery upon anyone person. The broadcasting and scenarios described are the actions and results of its participants desire for fame and fortune at the expense of my mental and physical health.
Leading the On-Air abuse recorded and broadcasted as entertainment is David Pinsky, Anderson Cowan, Ann Ingold, Gene Baxter, Lisa May, Kevin X. Also included are persons known only by their first name: Tyler, Joel and Max, Michael and Carl.
For any particular reason, repetitive shocking and simultaneously broadcasting the quoted “Treatment” was for the amusement and entertainment of producing a reaction during the broadcasts by or for the above named individuals.
Other legal liabilities carried by Westwood One include the tampering of the sale of four vehicles and other possessions though Internet listing services such as eBay and the The manipulation and interference with such activities was intended to disrupt the stability and financial planning for the livelihood I am accustomed too.
The treatment described is outright abuse and illegal. It is requested that the findings be forwarded to the ditrict attroneys office for criminal prosecuting
as the abuse is destructive to my mental and physical health. Further, David broadcasted live that he will “take you all down with him” if he is prosecuted or persued legally for this “Treatment”. David Pinsky maintains close medical ties to the Olive View Medical Center and illegally accessed both my physical body and files, presumed to be private. Westwood One and its affiliates constructed a network of corruption that leads from the LAPD through UCLA’ Medical Center, back to David Pisnkys broadcast.
In identifying simple facts hoping to be overwhelmed by other surrounding data or facts in this case the primary defenses are to continue to minimize or discount completely the premeditation of UCLA’s psychological and other medical attitudes with their own dental (bluetooth) implant oppositions.
December 22, 2009.
UCLA & Olive View Medical
On March 8 2009, I was taken and admitted to Olive View Medical Hospital. At this hospital I was debriefed by police, a report was generated and then I was sedated against my wishes twice and without cause. Without cause indicates that I was of sound mind, control of my person and my actions and compliant with any direction communicated and received. The hospital was in direct knowledge of my involvement with and was given an order by David Pinksy to hold me so that they could illegally implant me and continue this on air abuse described throughout the body of this document. The nature of this abuse is known a GED shocking or electro shock treatment. Given the above knowledge of my arrival and my ownership of, the hospital video camera system was used and collected the entire miss management of both my entrance into and the hospital and the two assaults that took place during my admital at UCLA Olive View medical center refuted by UCLA internal investigation.
When I arrived at the hospital as a detained prisoner by LAPD, I was covered in a pepper spray and informed the hospital that I still had burning sensations in my eyes and skin. I wanted to wash my face off before being transported into a medical observation secure holding cell. After the LAPD finished taking a report for the reasons why I was taken to the hospital, the emergency room injected me with a sedative. I calmly refused and cowered into my chair however I was held down and injected, then forcefully made unconscious while restrained and tied down to a hospital bed. When I awoke I went to the attendants station at the front of the room where I demanded an explanation for the sedation. They told me to sit down while I refused and demanded to speak to an administrator or supervisor for the front desk.
I mistakenly told them that I was a Marine, as I am obviously not associated with any military organization, however I thought that this would protect me from another unwarranted attack and violation by being injected and strapped down to a bed for 24 hours. At the time I announced that I was a Marine, a person name Jose, hit me in the back of the head with a choke hold and dropped me to the floor. Several male nurses jumped on top of me as I screamed and they pushed their knees, fists and elbows into my joints causing me to scream terror in discomfort. As I screamed they pushed harder into my joints and spine. As if to punish me, I described verbally as best I could as there was a corded telephone on the desk that was tapped by the best hackers around the world.
I was strapped down to a bed once again and injected and laid for another 24 hours until I woke up on March 10, two days after my entrance. I maintain that there was never a time that I was a danger to my self or others that would require or follow protocol finding it necessary for sedation. It was arranged by a collaboration between David Pisnky, LAPD and UCLA to sedate and implant me for the abuse that was to come for the past nine months as I write this document.
I contend that UCLA falsely imprisoned me in attempts to gain leverage and to instigate the abuse patters that I have recorded on my website. David Pinsky began his radio recording of on air GED shock abuse and has done so wth the assistance from the hacker group 2600 and the largest universities in our nation including USC and UCLA.
- – - – - – - – - – - – - – - – - – - – - – - – - – - – - – -
.UCLA’s intentions were in collaboration with David Pinsky, USC and CBS, Hollywood’s and Los Angeles County’s largest media Wholesaler. UCLA medical division is named David Geffen school of Medicine and it was the intention of using the coincidence of First name David common to both defendants in this case. This commonality of first name is a basis for a manifold theory, a complicated understanding of theoretical system models to explain the reactions and effects of certain inputs or ingredients added to a environment.
The use of that coincidence and suggestion is the basis for identifying the social experiment that David Pinsky, USC and UCLA are attempting to continue through use of fear and harassment based tactics.
Over the next few days as I recovered from the injections in the hospital I was told that I have a mental disorder and that I was there for observation. As the days past I noticed that my ribs were broken and that I had a scab on my spinal cord, apparently where David Pinsky had place a bio medial implant to set the course for the GED shock abuse that I have excessively received over the past nine months.
For the pain, I was given the option of having a motrin or Tylenol only while my entire body was in incredible amounts of pain. I was unable to walk correctly for three months following my admittal at Olive due to the lumbar puncture and broken ribs. I requested x rays to be taken of my spinal column, my wrist and ribs to document and obtain another opinion in regards to the extent of my injuries. On March 16 I was granted the requested x ray procedure however I was never shown the x rays that show the implant that was placed on my spine.
After spending 21 days in Olive View’s Mental Detention center
- – - – - – - – - – - – - – - – - – - – - – - – - – - – - – -
.The awareness of this my Internet activity on is found by the computer sciences divisions of UCLA. UCLA has been aware of my internet activities as I have taken several Internet classes at UCLA and the abuse is simply to feed hollywood’s reality movie support for David Pinsky.
UCLA illegally injected and sedated me to place a implant on my spinal cord. This implant is used to control certain activities of my body and to include themselves into the history of my website and its related material. UCLA acted in a negligent manner to further their global presence and awareness to mainstream media and global observing think tanks.
The basis for a social experiment is to mold your environment to persuade your perception of the facts surrounding a particular set of events. It was the intention of UCLA and David Pisnky to remain un prosecuted for these crimes committed at Olive View Medical hospital. and to associate with my domain What is deemed deserved and what is actually experienced in accumulating your necessary fulfillment of needs and demands or expectations. Further, the sequence of events and abuse leading up to my admitted to Olive View Medical Center is a medical branch of UCLA, an institution that has been aware of my self and the activities and material posted on my website,
British Actress Charolette Lewis has accused Director Roman Polanski of raping her when she was 16. In all fairness, I think this is a very big possibility. He was also simultaneously accused by a 13 year old girl of sexually assaulting her as well.
Roman Polansky is the famed film directror of the "CULT CLASSIC" (hint hint) Rosemary's Baby. Here's the trailer:
The odd thing about this case is that the actress Charolette Lewis is accompanied by a "LAWYER" Gloria ALLRED. Check out Glorias choice in jewelry:
Gloria ALL RED also represented Tiger Wood's accusers which sent him packing off to rehab for some tweaking.
Did anyone notice that after this infedelity scandal, he became more of a sex symbol?
Tiger Woods apology to whoever he disobeyed:
And lastly, I wanted to get some Joaquin Phoenix in here because of some alarming findings.
We all remember his infamous David LETTER-MAN'S interview last year, where he was in disarray. If you haven't seen this, here it is :
Now, Joaquin's brother River Phoenix overdosed at Johnny Depp's Viper Room nightclub in Los Angeles. His sister Summer has been busy breeding with the Afflecks, Casey in particular. They are such good friends that they all live in the same building. Can you say CULT CONTROL?
Quotes from Joaquin:
“My significant other right now is myself, which is what happens when you suffer from multiple personality disorder and self-obsession.”
"It's been a year since last time I tried to give up smoking. I went to a hypnotist; we sat down and started talking. A couple of hours later, I woke up; the hypnotist wasn't in the room, but his wife was. I was like 'Oh my goodness, I fell asleep and didn't get to talk to the doctor.' And she said 'Don't worry, you talked...' I freaked out, left their place, immediately bought a pack of cigarettes and smoked, terrified of what I'd said".
Nickname : KITTEN
He and his brother have both appeared in film series that involved Harrison Ford. River Phoenix played the young Indiana Jones in Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade (1989), and Ford's son in The Mosquito Coast (1986). Joaquin is among those being considered to play John Clarke in the Jack Ryan spin-off Without Remorse (2011), a character that Willem Dafoe played opposite Ford in Clear and Present Danger (1994).
Here is the Phoenix family of 5 spreading their cheer across the United Programming Locations of the USA in a Winnie.
Joaquin looks happy to be in the presence of Sean Puffy Combs and Illuminist watch-out/family/cult member Casey Affleck.
In the middle of his "meltdown" AKA programming slip. His friends and family came to his aid of course.
Anyone seen him lately?
Anyone seen him lately?
In order to effectively and consistently dehumanize troubling assets, the need for trauma and embarrassment is essential. Here we see Joaquin accepting an award on video with his acceptance speech written on cards. His name is written incorrectly but he uses it to identify himself and he looks foolish doing it. Everyone will say he's crazy and move on...unless you KNOW what you are looking at of course.
Space Camp film he starred in. Wonder if Space Camp has anything to do with the reported MK programming centers associated with NASA. hmmm...
For more info on NASA Programming, pick up Trance Formation of America
For more info on NASA Programming, pick up Trance Formation of America
We Own the Night Co-Star -kitten Eva Mendez. She is also closely conected to MK Asset/MPD Robot Will Smith
The Stars Belong To A New Generation. I am the type to say I told you so. An entire generation programmed.
This one just SCREAMS CIA programming - Bluebird style. For those unfamiliar with Project Bluuebird, look into it. You will see MANY celebrities labeled with this program also. Birds of Paradise? Miley Cyrus was just called AVIS Cyrus -Avis meaning birds of paradise. How PECULIAR. Same programming over and over and over...
More dehumanizing photos in early youth. How many male celebrities have been subjected to this? He looks like he's having a real blast taking these revealing photos. WHO is the photographer/Illuminist handler behind the camera?
With M. Night Shamylan and Mel Gibson. Mr. Shamylan likes to use all kinds of Monarch/Bluebird imagery, triggers, gestures etc. in his storylines. I have found programming in ALL of his films. Burn IT.
Liv Tyler, Joaquin..and Matt Damon? Good Will Hunting Matt Damon (Boston MK Asset) who paired with Ben Affleck? So wait, Joaquins SISTER is having children with Casey Affleck. Friends? Or did they know one another already?
Rover Phoenix and Joaquin Phoenix before River's famous celebrity drug overdose involving Johnny Depp's Viper Room Nightclub
Phoenix family. Did father sell his children into the program? One child dead, one breaking programming in plain sight? I suppose we will have to either wait and see, or decode it ourselves. So far, looks like daddy sold the roost.
Photography by pervert photographer /Illuminist Terry Richardson.
Entire MK Terry Richardson layout here:
Entire MK Terry Richardson layout here:
Yet another excellent post! loved the Drew Pinsky piece -- seems like he's been assigned to help (program/handle) one of the MK'd Palin clan, who's been placed "in the MK rotation" -- Disney Show spot, Candies ads, tabloid princess, $30K speaking fees, and her own little LLC to keep the tax man at bay...BSMP how nice, all at the tender age of 19!
the good doctor gets around!
Be Well & Stay Vigilant
You have got to be kidding me. Sites like this completely de-legitimize the entire conspiracy theory subculture. The powers that be don't need to do a damn thing to make conspiracy theorists look irrelevant and stupid. People like you do all the work for them. I mean come on!!!! Looking for symbolism and underlying meaning in places that it just doesn't exist, is leading you to waste all of your time on crap. I fully believe that there are some very strange things happening on Earth and elsewhere, but get a grip on where to draw the line between relevant investigation and just plan hogwash.
ReplyDeleteEK much of your assumptions about Phoenix could easily be attributed to his drug use/abuse. you are streching a bit --though there is some obviously sinister shit going on in hollywood.
ReplyDeleteJeremy London's wife Melissa Cunningham has reportedly been released from hospital after suffering a brain haemorrhage.
Cunningham was undergoing treatment for a prescription pill addiction at Dr Drew Pinsky's Pasadena Recovery Centre when the haemorrhage happened, reports Radar Online.
"Melissa checked into rehab last Wednesday and was having a really hard time with withdrawal," said a source.
The insider added: "After Jeremy checked in to [Pasadena Recovery Centre] on Sunday, Melissa suffered the brain haemorrhage and was immediately taken to the hospital."
London and Cunningham were both at the rehab centre to take part in VH1 reality series Celebrity Rehab.
Cunningham is said to have already returned to Pinsky's centre.
London recently claimed that he was abducted by two men and forced to smoke drugs at gunpoint on June 10.
ReplyDeleteDr. Drew said all hope was not lost with LiLo, adding, "I have always said someday, she will make an amazing sober person. I have only wanted the best for her, and my only intention is to help and not harm her."
I'm dying here...I need an Esoteric Kitten fix, hard. Please do another post. I'm sure I'm not the only one itching for new stuff. pretty please, with chocolate cheesecake on top?!
ReplyDeleteVery interesting to see the disinfo trolls post. EK, you have opened many peoples eyes and the GMT hates exposure. Bravo, or maybe Brava!
ReplyDeleteKeep doing what your doing as for many you are single-handendly their hope. Hat-tip to you.
can Joquain Pheonex be saved?
ReplyDeleteGreat to find your blog, Esoteric Kitten!
ReplyDeleteI first found you on YouTube and your videos were responsible for many of the revelatory "Ah ha!" moments I had when I first started seriously researching the subject. Thank you for taking the time to continue exposing the greatest deception ever perpetrated on humankind.
I think people who try and call anyone who researches the NWO crazy or misguided have never looked at even the first layer beyond the surface.
MK themes are all over the place...everything you buy, everything you see on TV. It's all right out in the open and so obvious often people can't see it. I know I didn't. I knew something was up, and had read about mind control in the past, but always though "Mind Control" was lunatic fringe stuff and only applied to UFO cults and contactees. It was right there under my nose all the time. Oh, the good old days...
When I first realized the scope of what's going on, I went through a mourning process that lasted a few week. Few people seek out self-inflicted wounds; they have enough crap to worry about in day-to-day life...but that's all part of it, too.
Thanks again and take care.
Well compiled and detailed. I did have one question though, you have a link to jack nicholson's bio but I don't see anything about incest in the material. I have been reading about MKULTRA and beyond for a few years now and its good to see people applying it to the present. keep it up :)
ReplyDeleteHello there! I've been following your blog for a few months and it's very informative and visually appealing.
ReplyDeleteI was wondering if you saw the movie Tales From The Hood? Lamont Bentley plays a monarch child. He and his character died. I am surprised no one has analyzed this film.
YES. so glad you made that inference.
DeleteYES. so glad you made that inference.
DeleteIm sorry but anyone who focuses on celebs as much as you has problems herself. Celebrities are the woman in the Red dress in the matrix.. thats what they are a sexy distraction.. theres other shit going on and other people around you. wake up.. its kinda disconcerning you didnt even mention the fact one of the reporters was shapeshifting into a reptilian.
ReplyDeleteRecent Pima County AZ shooter is an Oppreation "Open Eyes" Assasin, as was Timothy McVay. Source: Officer Jack McLamb, his program on Republic Broadcasting Network.
ReplyDeleteupdate this blog already would ya.
ReplyDeletewhat happened to the facebook page, and why is it so hard to find?
we need our fix.
Dear Eso Kitten, you are on the right track, its a great up to date commentary on the phenomenon. you've really helped me connect some dots. So thank you for that, only people who haven't done the research will belittle you. The difficulty for me sometimes is finding out little tidbits like the fact that Cathy O'brien is still being handled by containment agent Mark Phillips. And don't get me started on Jim Keith. He attacked Fritz Springmeier. Anyhow, you are inspirational, so screw the malcontents that don't get it. Please keep up the good work. What a reality huh? These victims need our sympathy, take care of yourself.
ReplyDeleteHere I thought the video where he misspells his name was to illustrate how important the writers are to actors and actresses and others in showbiz. IOW of course it was an exaggeration but hey the point was how needed they are.
ReplyDeleteI was in Westwood in summer 1998, when a movie of his premiered. I had just changed my flight booking because I decided to go back to Europe earlier than I had planned, because I had watched the movie Deep Impact and I was annoyed that they let the rest of the world be flooded without a warning while they rescue themselves. lol It was like I was triggered when the response I got from Americans was "Why should we tell anybody, it is our comet, we discovered it." :( I know, it is stupid, but I needed to go home after this. As I was sitting in this diner like thing eating something for dinner the guests for the premier arrived on the other side of the street. I remember that it was a movie with Jacquin Phoenix and seeing and reading these things somehow touches me deeper because of that incident. One of the guys I spoke also said that Hollywood Movies are often amazingly close to reality, which is another thing that I remember very well, because until then I had filed it all as fiction. Before I arrived in the USA I had expected it completely different to what I had seen in the movies and was often surprised myself how much it was like this. One colleague asked why it should be so different and I really wondered, because I had been told all my childhood that television and fairy tales are fiction? Thank you for your youtube videos and this blog. They were important eyes openers.
ReplyDeleteI hate to say this, but this information is completely true. It has always been about writing technical thesis, technical treatise, books, screen plays, and movies. It is truly about certain people basically ripping off other peoples lives. The primary reason is money, political power, and the outright destruction of these United States. Many third and second worlders want to take us intact. That way they are the recipient of our already completed infrastructure, and resources. This is not a conspiracy theory, this is factual, it is the outright demonstration of the conspiracy to engage in enterprise murder. The term enterprise murder rises from the numerous mafia activities committed over the last 120 years. This isn't that many years when you think about it. Enterprise murder ultimately gave rise to the "RICO statutes." The impetus for these activities were among the many bits of information that was recovered at the end of WWII. Unfortunately for our society we have been used and duped by their primary tool represented by the whole of Hollywood. This always points to the usual and quite primary suspects that always end with Scientology. Scientology has since inception, been actively attempting to position itself as the one and only allowable world religion, and is lucerian naziism in essence.
ReplyDeleteIf you wanted to take over a country like the United States, how would you accomplish this?
How the system works. Initially it starts with brain scans. Brain scans in a variety of states. Pain state, love state, compassion state, mercy state, anger state, relaxation state, euphoric state, at rest state (sleeping), at rest state, etc.. This is initially accomplished utilizing advanced research derived from the medical and high tech establishments, (ie Electroencephalography-EEG, and controlled, data logged, interpolated, extrapolated, and simulated by advanced computer controls and other forms of high tech detection aparatus. The entire system is further deployed using existing phone cell networks, hot spot networks, rfid device networks, gps, and including the ccd camera system networks that exist at every traffic light in the country. The classic example of this being fully deployed and fully utilized is the city of London, England. It ultimately also utilizes the "HARP" technology and networks that connect to it. This is not science fiction, it is science fact, fully realized. Consider the public company that has morphed and changed its name, ownership, and organizational structure that manufactures, builds, sells, and distributes the product "Digital Angel." This isn't the devil, armageddon, or the end of the world. This is being faked out using proven high technology systems, detection technology, diagnostic methodsand systems, and control systems. In the scenario I have decribed there is only one piece missing.
The missing pieces is the theory of "Pavlovs dog," a system that causes the animal to injure itself in order to recieve a reward "ie food."
This is behavior modification.
Implementation and deployment:
bluetooth wireless implant
hot spot local area networks, wans wide area networks
Ultra wide band networks (high power long range)
cellular networks
the internet
EEG equipment
MRI Equipment
Implant equipment
Computer control systems (server, server farms, cloud computing)
One thing most people do not realize is that your human skeleton can act as an antenna.
Software and simulation equipment
Close Circuit Display CCD cameras, and wireless networks
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